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Rocco Polanco (23) is a prominent comedy writer, performer, and producer. Currently based in LA, he is actively involved in acting, writing, and the improv comedy realm. 

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Graduating from Emerson College in 2023, Polanco earned a BFA in Comedic Arts-- a four-year undergraduate program designed to hone comedic writing, performance, and production. At Emerson, Rocco won seven EVVY awards writing and producing sketch comedy as frequently as physically possible. Performing with long-form comedy troupe, This is Pathetic, he was selected to be a finalist in the 2022 Jess Ilias Clavelli Comedy Competition. 


Before college, Rocco performed in over 50 staged musicals and plays, winning Best Actor at the Broadway San Diego Awards in 2019, and earning himself a spot in the 2019 National High School Musical Theatre Awards. Additionally, Rocco was awarded 11 National Youth Arts awards and nominations, including 2 first-place wins at the Fullerton High School Theater Competition in 2019. 

Now, Rocco regularly performs with the improv comedy troupe: The New Experiment.  Getting  to perform with his best friends is the highlight of Rocco's month, every month. 

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